A downloadable game

Uncommon World is a fantasy roleplaying game designed to be compatible with nearly 400 third-party Dungeon World playbooks, 165 compendium classes, 8,000 monsters, 600 supplements, and 100 adventure starters, while updating the system’s core moves with what has been learned over the past decade.


  • Based on a survey of over 250 players
  • Leverages refined core moves from seven fantasy PbtA hacks
  • Adds drives, uses Follower moves, and eliminates stat scores

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Change log from version 1.0.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tagsdungeon-world, PbtA


Uncommon_World_1_1b.pdf 12 MB
Affinity project files (in case you want to edit in Affinity) 141 MB


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Thanks for the good work! I have a small request, the Vollkorn font looks bad with character 1, which is hard to read.


Is there a free font you'd recommend? You can use the Affinity files to reformat to your heart's content.


Thanks for all your work on this! It's a really great idea and your implementation/layout is top notch. Any plans for future development?


Yes, in the summer I plan to update the moves based on any new winners from the configuration tool. And then I'll update the configuration tool to include games, new and revised, that have been published since the last time I updated it. In the meantime, I'm collecting feedback for any minor revisions that may be needed.


Thanks  so much for the update!


Same from me, thanks a lot!


Can you create a pdf that has single pages instead of spreads? Thanks!

Yes I second that. Also I am wondering why the PDF is so huge when it only has 6 pages.


Sorry about that. I hadn't reset the dpi. I've replaced the prior version.

Yes, done! I've replaced the old version.


very cool, thanks a lot for your work on that!


Thanks very much, and thanks for making this!